Who wants to see alllllll of the new goodies in my THN Collection AND see which @joann_stores the collection will be carried at?! Check my stories!! But DO NOT FRET if your local store is not on the list, that just means we need to blow this launch out of
by the.hook.nook 4 years ago | via Instagram

????這碗 #鴨寶鴨肉飯 是最近在宜蘭吃到最令人魂牽夢縈的在地美食啊!! 好吃在這裡???? https://goo.gl/ubRYZf ✔鴨肉的口感非常好,加了湯汁的白飯也非常可口!! ✔當歸鴨肉麵線也非常超值 營業時間一到,店裏幾乎高朋滿座,來過好幾次,人潮真的是一波接一波啊 #yolo #instagood #taiwanesefood #taiwanfood #yilanfood #like
by smilebenjean 6 years ago | via Instagram