肉肉肉大好き!キムチも好き好き好き♡ 不動産投資アドバイザーしてます! 青木です 新たに不動産投資を考えている人、ご連絡ください! 不動産投資についての情報を 流しておりましたページを 公式LINE@へ移行します。 ↓↓↓↓↓ LINE@ ID:@hbf6552y @hbf6552y">https://line.me/ti/p/@hbf6552y 不動産投資コミュニティ運営管理・株式会社IPfive代表取締役。1年半で年収3000万円を達成!建築士・宅地建物取引士の資格を保有し約10年間建築の現場監督を経験。 #新鮮#
by ipfive75 7 years ago | via Instagram

NEW: Lemon Buttermilk Sugar Cookie Tart (gluten free! ????????). The base is a giant sugar cookie ????, the no-bake filling is creamy, sweet-tart perfection ???? and it's pretty much perfect for Easter dessert. ???????? RECIPE is #ontheblog --> http://www
by girl_versus_dough 7 years ago | via Instagram

NEW: Mini Pancake Blini with Salmon and Dill! The perfect fancy/unfancy addition to your next breakfast or brunch that requires guests to come in sweatpants and undone hair, as true friendship allows. ☺???????? RECIPE is #ontheblog --> http://www.girlvers
by girl_versus_dough 7 years ago | via Instagram

NEW: A Heart-Shaped Chocolate Strawberry Cake for you and your main squeeze (includes ???????? spouse, BF/GF, BFF, self. ????) ???? RECIPE is #ontheblog --> http://www.girlversusdough.com/2017/02/13/heart-shaped-chocolate-strawberry-cake/ #linkinprofile
by girl_versus_dough 7 years ago | via Instagram